Friday, July 13, 2012

Into the Hands of the Potter

One of my favorite prayers is to ask God to soften my heart and to mold me into who he needs me to be. That's a good prayer. The problem is once I'm done, I go through my day like nothing happened; maybe because nothing did actually happen. I'm heartfelt in my prayer but in reality, I'm still not ready for God to come and knock down the walls I built up. Instead of letting God mold us, we mold him into the god we need for the day.
The Hebrews called out to God for help. He lead them out of Egypt by splitting water, leading them with a cloud and giving them food and water, yet they still made a cow out of gold. As humans we think we need a god that's tangible, so we make one or mold ours into the god we need. We take advantage of God's love and forget that we need to serve Him and live for Him.
I challenge you to see God for who He is, thank Him for His love, and be open with Him. Then we can start to let down our walls.

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