Thursday, July 5, 2012

Good old Koinonia

I liked our high school youth group. I loved all the people that put it together and of course all the students. However, I always had this feeling like it wasn't what God wanted for me. He wanted more of me. Koin taught me how to pray and how to sing so that people would see God through my actions. The problem was that God wasn't in my motives. There are very few times in my life where I felt challenged in my faith and nun of them come from Koin. Koinonia was cool and comfortable for new comers but I needed more. I needed to be challenged. I was never put out of my comfort zone or encouraged by my peers in my walk with Jesus.
I need to be real with God. I don't have to make my prayers sound good, I just need to be real and to be challenged, because I have gotten too comfortable with where I am.

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