Thursday, December 9, 2010


I hate texting
Sugar is the best thing in the world
I don't go anywhere or do anything without music playing
I am constantly thinking about snowboarding
idky the middle school chose John 10:10
Im so old! 19 in feb
Christmas is gunna be really different without my brothers home
School is my absolute least favorite place on earth
I really wish i could sleep in but i naturally wake up before 830
I love when I'm home alone
I have another blog nobody knows about
I feel like I havent been fully happy for a really long time
I'm really thinking of becoming a pastor or a yg leader
I'm really really bad at reading and typing
I rarely stress out so i dont understand people that wont shut up about their problems
I dont get much hw so i have a lot of time to think which can be a good or bad thing

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