Thursday, December 24, 2009

I just want to say...

God is awesome! Father I'm in awe of your glory and how you work in fantastically unexpected ways! Lord God, thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will do!! God you are always there. When we are broken you are there and when we are victorious you are there. When I am hurt I will praise you; when I have won, I will praise your beautiful name!

When is the last time you have truly praised the Lord with no strings attached? Does it always seem like you are being pushed down? Well look at life another way, just try to count your blessings. God has blessed you with gifts you don't even know about! That's how amazing he is! Humbling? I hope so.

My prayer for you is that you will be able to fall to your knees and lift up your hands in gratitude toward our father in heaven who loves us.

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