Monday, May 27, 2013

Witness Essentials

So I've been reading a book for about a year now haha (I hate reading) And I need to tell you guys about basically just Melanie. I'm about done with Dan Meyer's book Witness Essentials, Evangelism That Makes Disciples and it's seriously so good. I've always been surrounded by other believers and rarely get the chance to share the Gospel with people, which stinks, but this book has some amazing advise/steps to help facilitate those hard, and sometimes awkward, conversations. After reading it, I feel more comfortable about being vocal about my faith and perusing the active Christian live we are all called to. So pick up this book or ask me to borrow it or something because we need to be more vocal and this will help. I hope you guys that are at public schools will pick this up and change lives...or at least plant some seeds for the Holy Spirit to grow. Anyways, get your hands on this book.

#DanRocks Idk why I did that but it was funny at the time hahaha

1 comment:

  1. psshhhh Melanie isn't the only person who still reads peoples blogs lol
